(Thankfully he didn't get the wrappers off of any of them.)
About Us!
- The Mayland Family
- A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Tid Bits from Halloween
At long last, I present to you ....
Mr. Tiger!! (Or since he love Tigger, maybe we could call him Tigger)
After running errands on Friday afternoon, I decided to take him Trick-or-Treating downtown. It was a beautiful afternoon with kids, monsters, babies, dogs, ghosts, princesses (you name is) wondering around the streets. I've been practicing with Kailer for months now to say "Trick or Treat" and at home he'd give it an honest shot, but once we got to the people with the candy, he clammed up. Thankfully they were nice and still gave him some. Honestly he was more into watching the other kids and once someone put a piece of candy in his bucket he would look in to see what it he just received.
All in all, mommy probably had more fun than Kailer, but that's okay. If all goes well (and we're not in the middle of nap time) Kailer and I will head into Bozeman this afternoon to meet some friends and trick-or-treat at the mall.
We hope that everyone has a Happy Halloween!!.
Mr. Tiger!! (Or since he love Tigger, maybe we could call him Tigger)
After running errands on Friday afternoon, I decided to take him Trick-or-Treating downtown. It was a beautiful afternoon with kids, monsters, babies, dogs, ghosts, princesses (you name is) wondering around the streets. I've been practicing with Kailer for months now to say "Trick or Treat" and at home he'd give it an honest shot, but once we got to the people with the candy, he clammed up. Thankfully they were nice and still gave him some. Honestly he was more into watching the other kids and once someone put a piece of candy in his bucket he would look in to see what it he just received.
All in all, mommy probably had more fun than Kailer, but that's okay. If all goes well (and we're not in the middle of nap time) Kailer and I will head into Bozeman this afternoon to meet some friends and trick-or-treat at the mall.
We hope that everyone has a Happy Halloween!!.
Kailer "Scaling" the washer - it was a good side profile.
Practicing his "roooaaarrr"!
Friday morning I had taken the couch cushions off to clean under them, so when it came time for pictures I knew that taking of a cushion and letting him play on the couch while I attempted to take pictures might keep his attention. It did for a few minutes, which thankfully allowed for a few photo shots!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Carving Pumpkins!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
While Mommy's On The Phone...
Last Sunday, while home alone (Dan was working), I decided it would be a good afternoon to have a good 'ol fashioned mother-daughter talk, so I dialed up my Mom. Over an hour later I was still on the phone and Kailer was busy entertaining himself ... and so I grabbed the camera and captured his actions.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Fall Fun!
Last week when Kailer was dressed in "Fall" colors, I was able to capture a few snapshots of him enjoying one of our last nice days of our beautiful Fall. Today the weather took a turn for the worse and we saw a few snowflakes whirling around in the air .... which, by the way, does not make me happy. I'd much rather skip through winter. But it's inevitable, so we'll push ahead! :)
Sitting with his pumpkins, which we'll be carving this week!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Ski Naked!
Last week we decided that we better take the opportunity to sit around the campfire, at least one more time, before winter settles in and all we see is snow in our backyard. We started the fire, roasted a few marshmallows and enjoyed star gazing. By the time we were done, the three of us smelled terribly of campfire smoke, so it was time to hit the bath.
Pretty sure he was just teasing me here; ACTING like he was going to go upstairs!

"Don't tell me what to do; I'll go up when I'm good and ready!" LOL
Okay, maybe thinking about it now??
Finally made it upstairs, but rolling around on the floor.
Just when I thought he was going to head into the bathroom, he veered right on me and started playing with the latch on this chest.
I undressed Kailer, all but his hat, and told him it was time to go upstairs for his bath. Needless to say, getting home to go upstairs and into the bathtub on his own was like herding turtles - but he was having fun!!
"Don't tell me what to do; I'll go up when I'm good and ready!" LOL
*My title, "Ski Naked," was the first thing I thought of when I was looking through these pictures and Kailer naked with that hat on!!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Our Little Redneck!
I think he got bucked off! :)
Quickly after getting off the plane on Saturday morning, we loaded up in Aunt Jamie's car, grabbed a bite to eat at "Cricket" downtown and then headed to the zoo! It's been many,many years since I've been there - but we all had a lot of fun. Unfortunately, there was a lot of ground to cover and Kailer was starting to reach his threshold, so we had to skip part of it. Hopefully we'll get another chance soon, to see the rest of the animals.
All strapped in the wagon and ready to roll.
(The wagon didn't last long, Kailer was more into exploring on his own two feet)
The elephants!
One of them actually went to their door and started knocking with its trunk - it was pretty cool to see.
Aunt Jamie and Kailer in front of her favorite animal ... the penguins; who also decided to be quite vocal that day!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Leaving On An Airplane!!
Last Saturday Kailer and I boarded an airplane to head to Colorado for a belated 30th birthday celebration for me. After sitting in the plane for an hour and a half waiting for a mechanic to come and fix a pressure gauge (Apparently he was on-call, since it was Saturday morning, but I'm beginning to think that he also lives in Billings), we were finally airborne and on our way for a fun filled weekend.
Since Kailer has been able to talk, he has had a bit of a "obsession" with airplanes. We live near Gallatin Field and planes are constantly flying over-head and he does a great job of spotting and/or hearing them typically long before we do. He loves them, which was a blessing as we sat on the plane waiting, because he was able to look at he window and watch the other planes take off and it helped to pass some of the time.
We quickly found the headphones stashed in the seat-back in front of us and Kailer put them on... looking like a true pilot, ready to guide us into the air. He easily stole the hearts of the passengers around us, which was also a blessing because a few of them were even willing to play "Peek-a-Boo" with him. It's always interesting to be in an airport with a child and watch the people as you walk by. You know #1) they're watching to see what gate you go to #2) they hold their breath as you enter the airplane and they slowly exhale as you walk past them and don't sit next to them. After all, the thought of having a baby next to you on a flight is a terrifying thought for most people.
Thankfully we had a good flight, without any breakdowns, despite the delay and we made it to Colorado in good spirits....though possibly a little sleep-deprived from our early morning.
"Ma'am, I'm quite busy here, I don't have time for a beverage. Thank you."
Since Kailer has been able to talk, he has had a bit of a "obsession" with airplanes. We live near Gallatin Field and planes are constantly flying over-head and he does a great job of spotting and/or hearing them typically long before we do. He loves them, which was a blessing as we sat on the plane waiting, because he was able to look at he window and watch the other planes take off and it helped to pass some of the time.
We quickly found the headphones stashed in the seat-back in front of us and Kailer put them on... looking like a true pilot, ready to guide us into the air. He easily stole the hearts of the passengers around us, which was also a blessing because a few of them were even willing to play "Peek-a-Boo" with him. It's always interesting to be in an airport with a child and watch the people as you walk by. You know #1) they're watching to see what gate you go to #2) they hold their breath as you enter the airplane and they slowly exhale as you walk past them and don't sit next to them. After all, the thought of having a baby next to you on a flight is a terrifying thought for most people.
Thankfully we had a good flight, without any breakdowns, despite the delay and we made it to Colorado in good spirits....though possibly a little sleep-deprived from our early morning.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Rocky Creek Farm
With Grandpa Perino in town, we ventured out to Rocky Creek Farm this afternoon to see what it is all about. I've heard about it in the past, but have never gone out to it, because I always figured that Kailer was too young. It's a cool little place though and with the Fall air starting to fill the days, the farm has transitioned from a place to pick raspberries into a great place to have some Fall fun! We started out by going to the petting zoo (which consisted of 4 animals!), where the sign said, "Enter if you Dare..." .... Mr. Kailer did "dare."
Hanging out with the goats and sheep.
Mr. Pony
Driving the tractor.
Desperately trying to pick up this pumpkin to put into our cart....he did get a pumpkin, just not that one!
*I am putting a note in here about the Minnie Mouse in Kailer's hand, which he toted around all day. I think they may have been on a date and he was courting her. He got the mouse from my office, several, many months ago and it is usually a toy that is played with in the car and stays there. But, for some reason today he had it in his mind that Minnie was going to go EVERYWHERE with us, and she did!
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