Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

About Us!

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas 2011 (Finally!)

For the past month Kailer has woken up each morning eager to take down a magnet on our "Countdown to Christmas," knowing that when he got to the Santa magnet it was time for the big guy to bring presents!  Needless to say Dan and I used the, "you better be good, Santa is watching," line more than we probably should have - but if the shoe fits ....
This year as Christmas morning approached I was reminded of the joy of Christmas as I watched the miracle of Santa come alive in Kailer's heart!  He was so very excited to open his gifts to see what Santa had brought him. He asked for three things 1) A Mack Truck 2) the Cars 2 movie and 3) a "spidey" (i.e. spider man) - he must have been a very good boy this year because all of his wishes came true and then some!  Our entire family was blessed with so many wonderful gifts this year and it is a constant reminder to me that everyday I need to be thankful for everything and everyone in my life. 
Watching Daddy unhook his stocking

"Whoa - this thing is over-flowing"

Cars book with a flashlight

I'd say hands-down the best gift for Kailer - his Mack Truck!!!

Yes!!!  You would have thought he'd just won the lottery ... one VERY happy little boy!!

Spy Plane from the Cars Movie .... "Pretty cool" as Kailer would say!

We hope that each of you had a very Merry Christmas filled with memories to last a lifetime!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Visiting Santa 2011

Kailer just knew that if wanted to earn any brownie points with the big man at the North Pole this year he was going to have to go and sit on his lap and tell him what he wanted for Christmas!  I have to admit, I had my doubts about the whole idea, but he proved me wrong!! 
When we got to the mall where Santa was visiting, we patiently stood in line for our turn.  We couldn't see Jolly 'Ol St. Nick, but we could hear a little one about Kailer's age crying, to which I immediately said to Dan, "Don't let Kailer see that little boy."  So we stood in line until it was our turn, psyching Kailer up for this momentous occasion - after all, this was going to be his first time of telling Santa exactly what he wanted for Christmas!! 
At long last it was our turn and Dan says to Kailer, "All right, go and see him." To which Kailer quickly turns to me with his 'I'm not so sure look' on his face.  But I cheerfully grab his hand and take him to sit on Santa's lap!  Once he got situated and could tell that everything was going to be okay, he proceeded to tell Santa his Christmas wish list!  It was the cutest thing ever and it made me, once again, realize how much he's grown up in such a short amount of time!
Below you will find the link of a video that Santa and his elves made for Kailer.  Hope you enjoy watching it - Kailer's enjoyed watching it - umm, many times! :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Happy 32nd Birthday, Daddy!!

Wednesday marked Daddy's 32nd Birthday and we did our best to make it a good day for the 'ol man! :)  (Shhh, you didn't hear that from me!)  After Kailer's nap, we loaded up in the old tenement on wheels and headed out to see the BIG guy, that's right, Santa Claus!!  He was in Bozeman visiting the good boys and girls at the mall and it was Kailer's turn to go and see him....with pictures and more information to come!
Following the Santa visit we decided to go and see the Muppets movie with Kailer.  Not that Kailer has a clue who the Muppets are, but he had a good time dancing to the music and eating popcorn and Reece's Pieces.  Dinner followed the movie and then of course home to open present and eat birthday cake!  Before having Kailer, I used to make "cakes" for Mesa on her birthday and it made Dan jealous, so now I make his cake as well.  This year he requested a strawberry cake - which, I might add, was fabulous!!

The Birthday Boy and his 'lil man!

Daddy (okay, mainly Kailer) opening his gifts.

"Ready, Set, Blow" ... Take 1

This is actually Take 3 - Kailer just couldn't get enough of the candles!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree 2011

We've finally reached the magical year with Kailer and his excitement for Christmas is shining bright this holiday season!!  For the past several weeks he's "oooo'd and aaaaa'd" over all of the neighbor's Christmas lights as we drive home at the end of the day.  So finally last week we dug all of our decorations out of storage and got busy!  Dan did a great job outside - but that's a whole different blog and set of pictures yet to come (I'm horrible at trying to figure out which setting is best to take the pictures of the house lit up)!!

After getting the tree set up, Kailer diligently helped me put on the ornaments - needless to say, when he wasn't looking a few had to be "un-bunched" and moved to higher branches. But he had fun nonetheless.  Our tree "looks great (little full, lotta sap)" and even though the pictures represent the finished project, after the fact we swapped out our angel for a star - Dan, for whatever reason, wasn't real fond of my African American angel!!

Happy Holidays!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Children's Museum

I had the pleasure of going with Kailer and his classmates to the Children's Museum.  It always amazes me how teachers are able to do their job and stay sane .... these kids were everywhere, but it was fun!

Getting ready to do a craft project - umm, glue, scissors and 2 & 3 year olds?  This is just asking for trouble!!

What's underneath a donkey? The cutest little boy ever!!

They all loved the bubbles!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

SNOW Much Fun!

Kailer enjoying our first "real" snow day!

Kailer's best friend ... ask him, he'll tell you!!

"Look Mom, I got snow on my belly." Brrrss!!

Winter beauty.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

He Dresses Himself!!

Kailer dresses himself ---


(No doubt he gets his sense of style from his father!)

Monday, November 7, 2011

I am 'THAT' Mom!

I have to admit, that sometimes I am 'that' Mom who probably shouldn't be allowed to have a camera at certain time's during her child's life.  As I said to Dan tonight as I was downloading these, "He's going to hate us some day for this." With which Dan quickly replied, "No he's going to hate you."  Okay, fair enough, maybe I am the one who instigated the photos, but everyone needs a good laugh now and again!

Kailer and his vampire teeth!

Kailer and his 'Mator teeth!
Kailer in a wig that I found in our Halloween storage pin .... simply priceless!!
(I must say, he would have made a beautiful girl - just not sure where he would have gotten all the black hair!?!)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween From Spidey.....

His eyes say a whole lot!!
"Yes," even Mesa went out trick-or-treating in her ladybug costume. "No," she was not happy about the costume part!
The mama and her kids!

The white-trash man and Mr. Spidey!
Our trick-or-treat group.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pumpkin Carving - A Family Affair

Yes, even our girl got in on the fun!!

We take this very seriously - surgical gloves required!!

Pants rolled up (to enable the viewing of his tattoo), Tow-Mator socks and a miniture saw in his hand ... what more does a little boy need?

Very precise work!

Mom's and Dad's finished pumpkins

Somewhere along the way he lost his pants?!?

Pre-school Field Trip

On Wednesday, Dan and I were able to join Kailer's pre-school for a field trip to Rocky Creek Farms.  The children his age actually went on Tuesday, but because his carseat is such a pain in the rear to get in and out of my car, I told his teachers that we would meet them there on Day 2 - which meant we went with some of the younger children. We bundled up Wednesday morning and headed out to meet up with his friends and teachers. Unfortunately since Monday, Kailer had been sick, so he wasn't overly excited to be there, but we made the best out of the situation and Dan rubbed off some bad habits on one of the Deputy's sons!  :)

Miss Allison writing Kailer's name on the pumpkin he chose.

K-man and his pumpkin - ready to load back onto the tractor for a ride back.

Dan with 'lil man Parker (Deputy's son)

Kailer's classmates, teachers and Miss Allison's older son.

Kailer, Dan and Parker.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fall Baking!

As the crisp, cool, Fall air approaches I seek comfort from the cold by turning on the oven and doing some baking!  It's a past time I've enjoyed for as long as I can remember and I've been lucky enough to have a little helper who's always willing to 'help out' in the kitchen.  This time we made peach bread; this recipe was such a hit the first time that we made it again!  One of the best parts about baking is "trying" the batter .... YUM!

"Just one more lick, please, Mom!"
By the way, I should mention that Kailer's new "Race Car" shirt is his absolute favorite!  I'm probably going to have to start hiding it so it isn't a battle to get him to wear something else when he sees this one in his drawer.  NOT KIDDING!

A small mess but lots of fun!