Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

About Us!

My photo
A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Cake For Kailer!

Today Kailer and I spent the day running around - picking up balloons, a cake and looking for decorations/ideas for his party that we will have in a couple of weeks with his friends.  Despite a (typical) rainy Memorial Day, Kailer and I did our best to make it a good day - after all, it was his birthday!  We even managed to find Bert & Ernie! Once we got back home, the clouds broke and the sun kept peeking out intermittently allowing Kailer to ride his motorcycle bikes and take Mesa for a walk.  All in all it was a good day - in which I reflected on where I was two years ago - a day, I'll never forget!
A special Thank You to everyone who called, sent presents/cards and wished him well on Facebook today.  We truly appreciate your thoughtfulness.
A birthday ride with Bert & Ernie

Very patiently waiting for Daddy to take pictures so he can blow out the candles


Decided that a spoon was just a bit too much work for this task! :)

Tearin' up the paper!

So happy with his 4-wheeler and new camp chair

Daddy, Kailer and the new 'motorcycle bike'

Sunday, May 29, 2011

2 Year-Old GENIUS!!

First off, I must say "Happy 2nd Birthday" to my 'lil Kailer bug!  Every day I look into his big blue eyes and ask myself, "where has the time gone?" and now I reflect on the past two years that have flashed before me!  It hardly seems possible that yet another year has passed.  He has grown into quite the little boy and as a parent, I've grown to love this little person more than I ever thought possible!  He is truly a gift  and I thank God every day for such a wonderful, healthy, happy child.  I am blessed by the presence of Kailer in my life.
Tonight during Kailer's bath we were identifying the bath toys and at one point he had a fish in each hand and he said to me, "Here's 1 fish (holding up his right hand), here's 1 fish (holding up his left hand), I have 2 fish!"  "That's Right," I exclaimed!  I was so very proud of him and his ability to put his counting knowledge to use and then express it verbally to me. 
It's moments like that where I feel rewarded for the time we've put in counting, reading books, and basically just talking about anything and everything.  Even though he's only 2, and at times a bit hard to understand, he's become a very good little communicator and I thoroughly enjoy the conversations that we have together.
 It truly is the little things in life.....

Happy 2nd Birthday, Kailer!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Birthday Party (Take 1)

Last weekend Kailer's G-ma and Papa McGinty came to Montana to celebrate Kailer's 2nd birthday a week early.  When I told him that they were coming up for the weekend his response was, "Open present and eat candy?"  Too funny!!
The weather surprised us and gave us a beautiful day on Sunday, which was very much appreciated after the rainy, dreary days we have had recently.  We made the best of our weekend, while trying to keep busy being out of the house while Dan slept.  

 Kailer patiently waiting while we sang to him!

 Make a wish!!
(Yes, he got them blown out with no problem)

 "All Done!"

 New Chuck the Dump Truck Toy ... or as he call Chuck, Toe-mater!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Where Have We Been?

I'm trying to figure out where time has gone - not only has it been over two weeks since I last posted, it's been nearly 2 years since Kailer was born!  It seems so surreal that time has gone by so quickly and now instead of having a little 5lb. baby, we have a toddler.  I reflect upon the past two years and think about all of the things that I've learned from being a parent; lessons in life that I now understand from what my own parents would try to teach me.
Recently (lets say for the past 10 days) I've been looking for a napkin ring that Kailer meticulously took off of the table one day when he was busy running back and forth from inside to out.  So, last week  I decided while I was vacuuming that I would take off the couch cushions and pull out some of the drawers in the kitchen, in hope that I  might find it.  To no avail did I find the napkin ring, but  I did find: 2 matchbox cars under the cushions; and under the stove I found another car, a bag of microwave popcorn and a Tupperware lid.  Hmmmm...wonder how all that got there?!? Kailer!!  So later that night as I'm mopping, I hear something that is metal roll underneath the couch, so I'm thinking that I had found the napkin ring... umm, no ... it's a beater!  Oh, the things that kid get into these days! Needless to say the napkin ring is still missing to this day!
So I'm not really sure what we've been up to that has kept me away from the computer; except that we are slowly getting nice weather, so instead of being stuck inside we're outside and not near the compute.  Posted today are some pictures from Easter that I am just getting around to getting on here.  Soon to follow, birthday party pictures, Take 1!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Donald

Dan and I have been together for almost 9 years and who would-a thunk that he had such Lego talent?! He definitely showed us all how to build with them.  Me?  I haven't an ounce of imagination when it comes to building something.

After bath time, Aunt Jamie decided to give Kailer the "Donald" do!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fun At Great Grandpa Fred's House!

 Kailer with some tape on his nose - he asked for it!
 New "hat" - thanks Aunt Sandy.
Kailer and Great Grandpa Fred .... hold on, he's a wiggle worm! 

Easter Morning