We've finally reached the magical year with Kailer and his excitement for Christmas is shining bright this holiday season!! For the past several weeks he's "oooo'd and aaaaa'd" over all of the neighbor's Christmas lights as we drive home at the end of the day. So finally last week we dug all of our decorations out of storage and got busy! Dan did a great job outside - but that's a whole different blog and set of pictures yet to come (I'm horrible at trying to figure out which setting is best to take the pictures of the house lit up)!!
After getting the tree set up, Kailer diligently helped me put on the ornaments - needless to say, when he wasn't looking a few had to be "un-bunched" and moved to higher branches. But he had fun nonetheless. Our tree "looks great (little full, lotta sap)" and even though the pictures represent the finished project, after the fact we swapped out our angel for a star - Dan, for whatever reason, wasn't real fond of my African American angel!!
Happy Holidays!