Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

About Us!

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Friday, March 30, 2012

My Dad's A Superhero!!

Dad may be able to save two birds from our chimney (the past two weekends we've had one stuck in there), but Kailer's superhero Dad made a big "oops" while playing with Kailer's balloon .... uh-oh Daddy, now what?!  Nothing that a ladder couldn't get down, but I had to take a picture - just to remind Dan in say, uh, several years when one of his children may do the same thing to his elk!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

As I pulled out my box of maternity clothes today to get them washed I groaned, "Ugh, 10 weeks (give or take) of these clothes?"   I was hoping I'd feel differently about them this time around, but I don't.  Then I tried to look at the bright side of it thinking, "Hey 10 weeks of a 'new' wardrobe!"  Unfortunately my reverse psychology didn't change my perspective.  As a side note:  I'm pretty sure that a man came up with the idea to make maternity clothes out of materials that need to be ironed.  Seriously?  How many pregnant women want to spend more time on their feet than necessary?  So now I also have a pile of clothes waiting to be ironed - quite honestly, one of my LEAST favorite chores.

With time going by faster than we'd expected Dan and I took this last week to get the baby's room painted.  Now we just wait, and pray, that it's a girl or we'll have a lot to "re-do" after baby arrives!  To answer any questions or smash any pending ideas by others, "No!" we will not have another one if indeed this little one ends up being a boy.

With all that being said we have managed to keep busy enough recently that the camera has probably got a thin layer of dust on it as it sits waiting for me to remember to take it with us when we go out and about.  We'll just call that Baby Brain (a very REAL syndrome, in my opinion)!

One VERY Happy Boy in his Lightening McQueen Hat and Toy Story Shirt ... sure glad we have had some sunshine to enjoy!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Earth Song!

I hope that you will enjoy Kailer's "Earth Song" as much as Dan and I have since he learned it at pre-school. I've been informed, by Kailer, that they sing this song every day before they eat lunch.

"The Earth is good to me."
"So I thank the Earth for giving me the things I need, like the sun and the apple seeds."
"The Earth Is Good To Me."

Sunday, March 4, 2012