Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

About Us!

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Friday, November 9, 2012

1st Snow Day!

We had our first "real" snow day yesterday ... though today with 12"+ of snow (and still falling), I feel like I should stay home now as well! Despite the snow and cold, Kailer made it out two different times to frolic in the backyard and let Mesa chase him around! He kept asking if he could go out and jump in the snow. Why not?! But when his little cheeks were as red as a tomato, I insisted that he call it a day. Needless to say, he was pretty sure that going out at 7:30 p.m. (in the dark) would be okay too. I convinced him otherwise, telling him that we needed his snow gear to dry by the morning so he could take it to school today. In between his playing outside, we made a little Thanksgiving decoration. I told Dan, that I now realize why the crafts that kids make fall apart so easily - Elmer's glue isn't very good. I got out the BIG GUNS and used hot glue; much easier, though not so kid friendly!

Our Thanksgiving creation - pumpkins are the kids' from school.

My two turkeys!

It's pretty cool to have a little sister, but EVEN BETTER when she's a super hero, Batman Girl!!  (Thanks Uncle Wade)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Leaf Leaps!

An afternoon of raking up the yard undoubtedly led to some Fall pictures. If you recall, I did the same thing with Kailer when he was Aylah's age - might as well keep tradition going! :)
It was definitely easier to take his picture 3 years ago - now he has no time to stay still!
As always - Happy Girl!
Getting a good running start before he hits my pile of leaves!!

"A leaf?  Don't mind if I do!"

Kailer and his Halloween goodies!  For those of you who don't know, he also got an opened, half-empty package of teriyaki sticks (as seen by his hand) ... honestly, who does that??

All smiles, our little pumpkin!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween 2012

Halloween seemed to come and go quickly this year! We enjoyed BEAUTIFUL weather and of course lots of candy!  Kailer insisted that he was going to be a "Rescue Man" after he saw this costume.  Both Dan and I tried to tell him that there were other stores and other costumes, but he knew what he wanted .... so he was happy, which made us happy!   I had a hard time finding a costume small enough for Aylah, so she was Little Miss Monkey and Me...well, I just through together a costume with a bat mask and headband that I purchased.
Happy (Belated) Halloween!!
The three of us, prior to heading to a party on the 27th.

Miss Monkey
Rescue Man/Hero

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Cleaning out his 33lb. pumpkin!!  He knew it was going to take him awhile and he said to us, "It's going to take me a long time. I wont be able to go to school tomorrow!"  GREAT, he's already making up excused!!  :)

Friday, November 2, 2012


Little Miss got herself a Jumperoo and really enjoy it ... the first night! LOL.  Now she's not quite sure what she thinks of it, but when Kailer's around to make the toys 'work' she does seem to enjoy it more.  I'm confident that she'll like it more as time goes on - she's such a wiggle worm and this provides her the perfect opportunity to move around!