Something tells me that Bruno had an insight to how our day was going to go. We woke up this morning to find him set up on the end table, ready to star gaze! He even went so far as to pull out an astrology book! We glanced at Bruno as we scurried around this morning trying to get out the door ... mornings that involve us leaving the house before 7:30 a.m. are always tricky, but we managed, sort-of......
Star light, Star bright |
The day started off like any other Tuesday - me at work, the kids at school and Dan (not a typical Tuesday) wearily getting up extra early, after working last night, to go to court this morning. I was plugging along at work with a laptop that I do believe crashed sometime between me shutting it off last night and trying to start it this morning - it will do NOTHING - when my phone rang around 10:30 .... the daycare name/number popped up! Uh-oh, that's never a good thing! Kailer was complaining that his ear hurt, but wasn't showing any other symptoms. By 2:00ish I got a message that Kailer had woken from his nap, was crying and wanted to go home. Thankfully Dan was done with court, so he went and got Kailer. I called him on my way home and Dan said, "Kailer said his ear hurt this morning, but this afternoon he was just tired of being at school and didn't want to be there anymore!" Oh Lordy, please, not the excuses already!? In his defense, his little eardrums are red as a tomato tonight.
So I go to pick-up Aylah tonight (she was sleeping when Dan got Kailer) and the first thing she asks for is her blanket, which we don't have in the car....make no mistake, that will NOT happen again!! We usually have it in the car (she's doesn't take it to school), so she was fully expecting it tonight! She literally threw a fit for 20 minutes, that is until I sneezed! Then she stopped screaming, said "Bless you," and fell asleep. I'm not kidding, it all happened that quickly!
It was just a wild night with two cranky kids and a husband who announced that he too is fighting a cold - oh, sigh, the biggest baby of them all! :) Please pray for me and my sanity as I work though this month .... maybe Bruno has it figured out, just mind your own business, sit back and enjoy the scenery and don't say a word to anyone. He must have seen the alignment of my day in the stars! LOL