Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Start of a New Year!

 *GULP* - 2014 has hit me like a ton of bricks!  No we didn't start the year with serious illness (thank goodness) or record breaking temperatures; rather the reality of having 8.5 months left with Kailer before he starts kindergarten found a way to rip into my emotions!  Obviously this isn't a surprise, I've been preparing for it since May 30, 2009, but it's really sinking in and "this is it!"  This is the last bit of time we get with him before he becomes a big kid, goes to a big school and rides the big bus!  He's ready, he's MORE than ready.  In fact, this morning he came down into my room quite early (too early) so I told him to crawl into bed and go to sleep for a bit.  He did and when the sound of Aylah saying "Momma" on the monitor woke us up the first thing he said was, "Mom, I'm already dressed," (Sure enough) "because next year I'll have to be dressed, eat breakfast quickly and run out to the bus!"
I look back in awe at how the past 4.5 years have flown by!  The anxiety of having my first baby, being without Dan for the first 3 weeks and learning the ropes [disclaimer: I'm still learning, every day] of parenting seem like they were worries only yesterday.  I watch Kailer and Aylah interact and I'm reminded that she, too, will go through a grieving period of not having her brother around every day.  With 19 months under their belt together they have managed to create a bond that goes beyond the bickering and sibling rivalry.  It will be nice to have some 1:1 time with Aylah, but the dynamics of her life are going to change as well.
Oh, we'll adjust and a year from now we'll be asking, "What was the big deal?" But for now, and until then, I hope that we can make the best out of these last precious months with Kailer.

Pulling your sister around in a diaper box is hard work!!
She always wants to be like him - camo crocs and Ironman gloves!

Friday, January 3, 2014

How Do You Jingle?

We start off by making a Gingerbread house that nearly needed a hot glue gun to stay together!
 Followed by food - lots and lots of food during the holiday season!
Say "CHEERS"!!
 Early on Christmas morning, before anyone else was awake Kailer said, "I moustache you a question!"  (Okay, he didn't really say that, but it is so appropriate)
Say "Cheese" (heads) - good thing Miss Santa knows which camera to smile at - elf ears and all!
Daddy and son prepare for memories in the field.
Kailer's favorite gift!!
It appears Christmas puked on our floor ... hee, hee!

The girls were questioning Uncle Wade?!

Looks at those happy boys!
Practice, Practice, Practice!!
We also watched movies, played cards, lost a filling that got super-glued back in (after all, that's how everything from Mexico is fixed....baaa - haha), shopped & got the stomach bug!  It really was a good holiday and as always, entertaining when you bring the masses together!

Happy New Year!!