Thirteen! Thirteen!? 1-3. 13 - The number of days the stomach bug spent passing through our house and being shared so vigilantly by the four of us. Thankfully we each only had 1-2 severe days, but string that out amongst 4 people (one who can't tell you she needs a garbage can) and then several many more days of just not feeling well, having no appetite, etc. and it's safe to say that we're more than thankful to get rid of that unwanted house guest! I do believe I've mastered the art of cleaning up body fluids - on clothing, the floor, shoes, gym floors (I don't even want to go there), children and best of all myself (Oye)! If it weren't for having a sense of humor, I probably would have gone mad several times.
Kailer was the last to fall victim and somehow he managed not to miss any school through the whole ordeal.
Here comes the Purple Bear (The bus symbol for our neighborhood) |
Kailer and a few of our neighborhood kids after school |
Miss Aylah and one of her favorite past-times ---- Swinging! |
One (of many) of Kailer's worksheets |
The day after Aylah got sick we were outside swinging and let me tell you, not only does this girl love to swing, but she's also quite the little singer! In this video (if you can hear it) she's talking about puking (I know, so lady-like), her blanket and her love for love!!