My children do NOT sleep in - like, NEVER! Most mornings at least one of them (if not both) are up by 5:30 and absolutely no later than 6:00 a.m. In fact it can be quite painful and I often times ask myself why I don't go to bed immediately after tucking them in; Lord knows I could use the sleep. But, I digressed, because really it doesn't matter what time they get up .....
The other morning, around 5:45 a.m., I was busily applying eye cream (Hello, puffy-eyed, lack of sleep mama - #thankyoueyecream) and then eye liner when I smelled something that wasn't quite right. I actually even took my eyeliner, smelled it and said out-loud, "Hmm, something smells different." I wasn't sure what I was smelling until I turned around and saw these cute 10 toes!! Yes, Miss Aylah decided to give herself a pedicure before we left for preschool that morning. The floor only took a few drops that thankfully came up easily with nail polish remover. I do have to say, she didn't do to bad of a job for her first attempt!