Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

About Us!

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

"Healthy" Halloween.

Kailer's teacher takes healthy eating and snacks quite seriously - including birthdays and holidays. While I'm an advocate myself for healthy eating, I did struggle a little bit this year when the kids weren't allowed to have even one not-so-healthy treat on Halloween. But that, unfortunately, could be a whole new (lengthy) post in and of itself.  So because I knew the kids weren't going to get a Halloween party, I emailed the teacher and asked if I could bring in a healthy snack for the kids to enjoy .... the final results below!

Banana ghosts with two sprinkles and 1 chocolate chip!

Monster teeth - apples, p-butter and two marshmallows cut in half.

Enjoying the treats!

My two 'lil Trick-or-Treaters!! 

Monday, November 10, 2014


I couldn't help but capture this moment .....

Even Angels need to rest their halos.

This same angel also made quite the humorous remark to his teacher one day.  She told me about it and then I saw that it made it on her FB page:

"Me: Should we reschedule with your mom for today's station time, since we have the fire safety assembly? Or would your mom like to come to that instead?
Student: Ohh no! My mom LOVES firefighters!
Me: (Eyebrows up, holding back laughs!)"

That mom in the conversation was ME!  There's an ongoing joke that Dan and I have about firemen (but, c'mon, I'm talking about the ones you see on calendars) and apparently Kailer has caught on to my infatuation!  :)

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Chocolate Pencil

Me: Aylah, what did you eat?
Aylah: A pencil.
Dan: REALLY.... A pencil made of chocolate?
Aylah: Yes
Me: Bring me the wrapper.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Ever wondered what it's like in Montana?  This short video is well-worth the watch and maybe will convince some of you that a visit to the West is worthwhile!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Kailer in "K-Action"

I just thought I would share a few photos of Kailer in "Action in Kindergarten".  I've done my best to crop the photos so that other people's children are not in them, to protect their family and privacy, so please do the same - if you see a photo with another child, please do not print nor share it.  Thank you!
Kailer in computer lab.  It still blows me away that they are so 'techie' at this young age.

Kailer and a classmate reading to a therapy dog (who apparently got bored and fell asleep).  This is pretty cool and allows the children to read to the dogs without the "pressure" of a teacher/adult.  Reports show great success with this program.

Classroom activity

Kailer as the "Star Student" for the week.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sunday Funday!

Just a little Sunday baking (GF cookies) and pumpkin seed roasting!  These two were, of course, a lot of help!

Clean up time! I was instructed that she was going to do the dishes first!  Well, Okay then - knock yourself out, sister.