What a week we've had ....
Kailer wearing his Christmas outfit from Aunt Jamie on Daddy's birthday.
Monday was Dan's 30th Birthday. Unfortunately he had to work the night before, so he slept for a good portion of the day. We decided to have a "date" night (first one we've had since Kailer was born) and go to a movie and dinner. Our baby-sitter is awesome and was willing to watch Kailer into the evening for us. We went to an early movie ("Invictus" - a good show, slow at times, but still good) and then met a couple of friends for dinner. As we were sitting at the movie (it started at 4:15 p.m.) I looked around and said to Dan, "We must be getting old, everyone in here is gray haired!" I guess that's what we get for going to an early show on a Monday! We picked up Kailer by 8:15, got home and played with him for a bit, Dan opened his presents and we ate cake. I made Dan a strawberry cake with strawberry fruit filling and homemade butter cream frosting! IF I don't say so myself, it was delicious! Now, I just need to get some cake decorating tools so I'm not decorating my cakes with cookie icing ... it's hard to write with that stuff!

Overall I think Dan had a nice birthday and it was good for us to have some "us" time. Though I have to admit I missed Kailer terribly. It's not that we were even away from him that long, but I think part of it was the fact that it was night time and someone else was spending the evening with him, which is usually our family time. Now Dan is officially "old" ... ha, ha ... and I keep reminding him that I have 7 more years until I'm 30!!!
Wednesday took me to work at Micken Hearing for the day. Since June the current owners have been looking to sell their business. By noon I had been told that the new owners were would be taking over on January 1; which in turn means that after Monday I will no longer be employed there, or as they put it, "your contract of employment is terminated." Just another sign of the times; business isn't that busy and I'm just an 'extra mouth to feed'. Not a huge deal, it was only 1 day/week, but the extra cash did come in handy and helped fund my 401k and Kailer's 529 college plan.
And...last but not least, after a long, sleepless night and a tough morning with Kailer, I decided it was time to head into the pediatrician's office today. I had checked his ears yesterday and because he was so wiggly I wasn't able to see his eardrum, but my immittance testing indicated fluid in the right ear. So into the doctor's office we go. Sure enough, after I get a chance to look in there myself, I saw a bulging red eardrum as bright as Rudolph's nose. Honestly I think this is the same infection from November, that just wont clear itself. Time for the "pink stuff" (Amoxicillin). After waiting for an hour and a half for a prescription that was suppose to take 15 minutes to fill we finally get home. By the way, if someone (preferably a pharmacist) could enlighten me as to why it take so long to fill a prescription, I would greatly appreciate it!

So that has been our week and truthfully I'm glad it's come to an end. Next week is sure to be better, with a healthy kid and Santa coming down the chimney!

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