*Watching your baby sleep is "being productive." *Moms make a great napkin. *It IS possible to roll out a pie crust with one hand. *There's always laundry to be done ... and little socks missing. *A few bites of dog food wont make a child sick. *You never really "forget" the pain of child birth, you just respect your body in a whole new way. *Watching your child get immunizations is one of the worst things you will go through. *You can fully
function on 2 hours of sleep ... month after month. *It does get easier to take your child to the baby-sitter, but you're always just as excited to pick them up at the end of the day. *EVERYONE is willing to share parenting advice. *You will get pee'd on, repeatedly. *The love for your child multiples and compounds daily. *I no longer go into complete "panic mode" any more if my house isn't spotless. *No matter how bad of a day I thought I was having, my baby always finds a way to make it all better. *The laughter of a child can warm an entire house. *Those little finger nails are hard to clip! *Give me 10 minutes to myself and I can take a
9 1/2 minute nap. *Hand-me-down toys and clothes are a blessing. *Diaper, diapers and more diapers!! *All the baby accessories may not hav been necessary, but boy were they helpful! *Being a mom is a lot more work than I ever imagined -- but totally worth it! *Date night is a movie on the couch and I totally dig it. *A baby can sleep though the sound of the vacuum at 10 p.m. *You're not a bad mother when you stop doing everything "by the book;" it's just too demanding. *When you finally get to go to bed, you will lie there questioning your parenting skills. *It's okay to make up words to nursery rhymes that you've forgotten. *There's not a whole lot on t.v. at 3 a.m. *The pediatrician always runs late. *Nursing my child was the best bonding experience of my life. *Dad CAN do a great job, even if it's not my way! *Flying with a 6 month old is challenging. *"Crying it out" is okay - though initially incredibly heart-breaking. *A routine for a baby is critical. *Holidays have a whole new meaning. *Spray 'n Wash is my best friend. *You're never bored. *I've never talked so much to someone without getting a response. *I like the smell of Desitin. *I have a whole new respect for my Mom and her role in my life. *Running 10 minutes late is allowed. *My shopping is closely scheduled around nap and feeding time. *It's always easier to wake up to a crying baby than an annoying alarm clock. *I can never kiss my baby enough. *Pulling that tiny, slippery infant out of the bathtub for the first time is scary! *I had 28 years to grow, mature and become a woman who would become a mother and now I am blessed with a wonde
rful son and family! *I am so very lucky to be a mother.

Happy Mother's Day!!
Loved your post!
ReplyDeleteThose were great! Kailer is a lucky little guy.
ReplyDeleteI love it Shey! Happy Mother's Day. Hope you had a great one.