This morning, after being gone for nearly two weeks, I came to work to find a painting in our waiting area. This particular piece of art had been painted by an elephant in Thailand, using his trunk to hold the brush, on paper that is made out of elephant dung!! (Eew, I know!) So as I was looking at it, I made the comment, "Kailer made something very similar to that last week!" ... and I wasn't kidding. Last week on Tuesday, for the first time Kailer got the opportunity to do some finger painting. We did it in the garage, with butcher paper taped to the floor (Sorry, we were fresh out of dung paper .. ha!) and Kailer created his very first masterpiece that was definitely worthy of being hung on the fridge. By the end of his art session, he was having more fun throwing the 10 bottles of paints across the garage and playing in the bucket of water I had brought out to clean him up!

A little paint on the belly for an extra added touch of fun!
Playing with the string-line in the garage!
Kailer's first piece of art on the fridge.
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