Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy 15 Month Birthday!

Today marks the 15th month of the arrival of our little Kai-bug. It honestly seems like it was just yesterday that we were in the hospital with him and now here we are 15 months later - and oh what a joy it has been. Little Kailer has turned into quite the little boy, and a talkative one at that! I'm told often, "Boy he sure has a lot of words for no older then he is." Some examples of the things he says are, "Puppy, airplane (while pointing to the sky), choo-choo, papa, mommy, daddy, please, more, me-me (for banana...I know, I can't figure that one out either), potty, beep-beep, snackie, hot, stuck, baby, book and cookie." He has a handful of words that he signs and will try to imitate every word that is said to him. It's been such an amazing experience to watch him grow into a little boy. It as also been a huge relief for him to know some sign language; it has definitely helped to reduce the level of frustration on both our parts.
One evening we were hanging out in our bedroom and Dan was lying up on he bed and Kailer said "up-pea" (Up Please), so we lifted him up and he played around a bit. When he was getting toward the bottom of the bed, we told him that he needed to come back up or he was going to get stuck. Well, of course he didn't listen and the next thing we knew he was between the foot-board and the mattress...

At first it was kind of fun....

Now, he's had enough!
See Kailer, we told you so! :) "Happy Birthday" to our little monkey - we love you more than you can ever imagine.


  1. Looks like your making up for missing some posts. Happy birthday to Kailer. He is getting so big. I love his blond hair.

  2. Wow, he sure is getting big. He know longer has a toothless grin either.
