About Us!
- The Mayland Family
- A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
What's This Stuff?
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Where's Kailer? Since Kailer was little, we've been playing "Where's Kailer" with him. More recently he's taken to putting the blanket over his head and "looking" for himself. If he would take his blankie out of his mouth in this video, you'd be able to understand him better, but he's saying his name. As I said to Dan the other night, sometimes I wish I could lose myself....and not find me for awhile! :)
As a side note, we went in for Kailer's 18 month appt. today and it's official, my turkey last week weighed more than he does! He weighs 22 lbs. 15 oz (15th percentile) and is 33 1/4" tall (90th percentile). There were absolutely no concerns with with his growth or development.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!!
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!! We truly hope that everyone had a blessed holiday. We know that we have so very much to be thankful for ... so much that sometimes I forget how fortunate I am.
We actually celebrated our Thanksgiving on Wednesday, since Dan had to work tonight. So today, the "official" day of Thanksgiving was a quiet one for us, as Kailer and I tip-toed around the house so Dan could sleep. Each week when Thursday rolls around, I'm very thankful for our new house and the ability to migrate upstairs, so that while Dan sleeps in the basement, he doesn't hear us.
I miss my family so much everyday, but the presence of a holiday leaves a heavy feeling in my heart when I can't be with them. It always makes me sad, but it's the price we pay and in truth it's a little sacrifice compared to what so many other people in this world go through. So despite our distance this holiday season, I want you all to know (family and friends) how dearly I will miss you, but that you are always in my thoughts. I am so blessed to have such a loving and caring family.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
First Snow
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Dan has had the 4-wheeler loaded in the back of his truck for the past month ... and the suspense of seeing it in the truck every time we come and go was driving Kailer crazy. We'd pull into the garage and Kailer would say "Or-EE-Ler, truck!" (indicating that the 4-wheeler was [still] in the truck). Then when we'd be pulling away he'd say, "Bye Bye Or-EE-Ler." So I insisted that when Dan finally unloaded it (a.k.a. the end of hunting season) he had to give Kailer a ride. Well, wouldn't you know it, the day that Dan is unloading it, is the day that it's raining and cold. BUT that didn't stop Kailer from wanting to go .... Away they went. I was in the garage sweeping when they came back and I could hear Kailer making "driving noises" - Dan said he did that the whole time. He certainly loves that Or-EE-Ler and was definitely disappointed when he couldn't ride on it yesterday when Dan was plowing the driveway!!
Melts In (and on) Your Mouth AND In Your Hand!
For approximately the last month, we've gotten a little more serious with Kailer and potty training. We're still a long way away from being out of diapers, but we're also making some serious progress.
To encourage him to 'want' to go in the big boy potty, he gets a Skittle after each time - IF he actually goes. Needless to say, this whole experience has turned into an exercise program for me!! :) We keep his potty upstairs so each time he alerts me that it's time, I snatch him up and sprint up the stairs. Well, the kicker is that he always remembers the "snack" part and sometimes forgets that he actually has to "do" something before I'll give him one; so we have some false alarms.
A big milestone occurred earlier this week though when Dan had him at the bowshop. He actually told his Dad he had to go and went in the full-sized potty!! I was so thrilled to hear this, as it meant to me that he's not just associated "his" potty and "his" treats with having to go.
Anyway .... when he gets a Skittle, instead of just putting it in his mouth and eating it, he holds it in his hand, puts it in his mouth, pulls it back out .... which results in a mess. Especially when they're Blue! 

Monday, November 15, 2010
A Pair of Mittens!
The weather has definitely been taking a turn and getting quite a bit colder during the day. So recently during one of our walks with Mesa, I decided it was time for Kailer to wear his first pair of mittens. He wasn't sure what to think of them and as I was putting the second one on, he said to me, "No." I don't think he was too thrilled about them at first, but to my surprise he kept them on! The picture is what he did when I said to him, "Show me your hands."
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Kailer's new favorite game is to be chased and caught and/or tickled ... which for either activity he says "tickle" (which you hear him say in the 1st video and I think it's adorable!). In addition to running around like a WILD MAN, he also screams!! Yes, screams and you'll hear that in the 2nd video. Needless to say, with all of this tickling, we've managed to burn off a few calories after dinner AND probably lose some of our hearing with his high-pitched little voice!! :)
We're Baaacckkk!!
Within the past several days I've been asked, in some form or another, "where we've been, as the blog hasn't been updated recently."
Well, it's not that we've been gone, or too busy to take pictures, it's that Daddy had the camera neatly tucked away in his hunting pack in the truck. I knew where it was and probably could have went and found it, but figured I didn't want to risk forgetting to put it back and have Dan get "the BIG One!" and not have the camera!!
But Dan has successfully filled all of his tags and the camera has now been unpacked - so let the blogging continue!!
1 Shoes .... too big!
Well, it's not that we've been gone, or too busy to take pictures, it's that Daddy had the camera neatly tucked away in his hunting pack in the truck. I knew where it was and probably could have went and found it, but figured I didn't want to risk forgetting to put it back and have Dan get "the BIG One!" and not have the camera!!
But Dan has successfully filled all of his tags and the camera has now been unpacked - so let the blogging continue!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
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