To encourage him to 'want' to go in the big boy potty, he gets a Skittle after each time - IF he actually goes. Needless to say, this whole experience has turned into an exercise program for me!! :) We keep his potty upstairs so each time he alerts me that it's time, I snatch him up and sprint up the stairs. Well, the kicker is that he always remembers the "snack" part and sometimes forgets that he actually has to "do" something before I'll give him one; so we have some false alarms.
A big milestone occurred earlier this week though when Dan had him at the bowshop. He actually told his Dad he had to go and went in the full-sized potty!! I was so thrilled to hear this, as it meant to me that he's not just associated "his" potty and "his" treats with having to go.
Anyway .... when he gets a Skittle, instead of just putting it in his mouth and eating it, he holds it in his hand, puts it in his mouth, pulls it back out .... which results in a mess. Especially when they're Blue! 

Ahh, the joys of potty training. By the way, I love the new picture you have of him in his sweater. He looks so handsome and like a little man.