G.U.I.L.T!! It reared its ugly head early this week - other parents with a child entering kindergarten may be able to relate. I realized that I had less than a month left with Kailer. Suddenly 5 years worth of night time stories, play dates, picnics, outings, nursery rhymes, craft projects, walks, bike rides, board games, movies, parades.... - you name it - ..... just didn't seem like enough! How could 5 years have passed and I feel like I've missed it; all 1825 days, 43,800 hours.
For as much as I'm open to the idea of Kailer going to kindergarten, I'm NOT ready to pass him on to the realities of life, school and growing up. He looks at me with his big blue eyes and says, "Mom, I'm not ready to be a grown-up." Those words, that innocence - oh, it takes my breath away to think that this little guy is so wise beyond his words. The year ahead for him is going to bring about so many changes .... laughter, fun, learning, frustration, "ah-ha" moments, sadness and hurt. There's nothing easy about life and growing up is hard to do.
I've tried to create so many wonderful memories with Kailer and Aylah and I can only hope that one day they will look back and be proud of the parents we were to them. Despite the challenges of parenthood (and there are plenty), we have two incredible children and I truly can't thank God enough for their presence in my life. They have taught me more about myself in the past 5 years than I could have ever learned in a lifetime without them. My goal is to, once again, do a better job of blogging. While I'd like to think that my life might be a little "less busy" with only have 1 child at home, I'm pretty sure that I'm going to find the complete opposite!!
In the meantime, enjoy a few pictures and keep us in your thoughts as we gear up for our future graduate of 2027!!
Daddy and his girl! |
Aylah with her friend Sandy. |
Still loves his Superheros! |
Riding the 1880 Train -- Happy 4th of July! |
So much fun at the lake |
Because when there's a fire emergency, there's no time to change clothes! |
Glad you are back! They are both so big. When does he officially start?