Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

As Bad As Hot Coffee!!

Yesterday morning while I was juggeling getting Kailer changed/dressed for the day, eating my banana for breakfast and herding the dog around the house I got a phone call from Dan, "You should read the article on Yahoo! about Baby Einstein." Yeah, I ask, why? Needless to say Dan didn't have much more information than "I should read it," and that was enough to strike my curiosity. So I finished getting Kailer dressed, polished off my breakfast, put Mesa in the backyard and anxiously moved to the computer to read this article that involved one of my son's favorite things ---- BABY EINSTEIN!!
Now I don't know how many of you read the article, but apparently there are some parents in this world who feel the need to sue Disney because their children are not "true einsteins" after watching the video series! Yes, you read that right, there are actually people out there who truly believed that if they sat their child down in front of a t.v. for a 25 minute video their child would become a genius. Now that's sad! Honestly, that's as bad as suing McDonalds because their coffee is hot.
Needless to say, Kailer is still watching his videos and I suspect that by the time he's 15 he will have won the Noble Prize and we'll make a special "thank-you" to the Disney company. :)

My Little Genius Reaching For The Stars!!

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