Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall Fun!

Well we did it - we finally had what I would consider a "real" Fall day this past Saturday!! There wasn't a cloud in the sky, the temperature was in the upper 60's and the crisp autumn air lured us outdoors for some Fall activities. It was finally time for us to rake up the leaves (which had been covered in snow up until a few days prior) and enjoy a day outdoors before winter finally settles in "for good." It's funny how two months ago my perception of 60 degree temperatures would have been that it was cold, but in mid-October, it feels like a warm summer day!
We actually started our day by Dan getting his H1N1 vaccine. As a 1st responder he was able to get it, so we headed to the County Health Department bright and early. Dan is not a big fan of needles, so when finally came out (it seemed like it took awhile) I asked him if he hung around inside a bit longer to allow his tears to dry?!? :) I don't think he thought I was very funny. Needless to say, he informed me that that he got the mist as opposed to the shot - CHICKEN!!
We then headed up to the hospital to visit one of Dan's co-workers who had a baby boy on the 9th. Little guy is only weighing in at 3 lbs. - my, oh my, and we thought Kailer was tiny!!! He was born approximately 9 weeks early due to severe pre-eclampsia for Mom. Thankfully both Mom and baby are doing well and they should have him home by the end of November. A situation like that makes one truly appreciate modern medicine.
So home we headed .... I put Kailer in his bouncer seat in the yard, grabbed the rake and got to work while Dan washed our vehicles. After piling the leaves I decided I better capitalize on the situation and take a picture of Kailer "playing in them". Mind you a 4 month old doesn't do a lot of "playing" per say, but at least I got some pictures to capture the moment. Aunt Jamie says it's a good thing he wasn't in camo or I may have lost him for good - she has a valid point!! However this cute little onesie he has on has ghosts that glow in the dark, so I at least would have been able to find him by dusk!


  1. I am glad you finally got a little tast of Fall. Sounds like you guys got a lot accomplished in one day.

  2. Too cute!! Carter has that same onsie...great minds think alike :), hope you are all staying warm!
