I'm finding that my life with a 5 1/2 month old isn't as easy as it used to be. There was a time when I could put Kailer in his swing, turn on an Einstein video grab a quick shower, start a load of laundry or wash dishes. However, recently things have changed.
In an attempt to keep my Type A personality in check, I am constantly trying to juggle taking care of Kailer, work, cleaning, cooking and organization. Not having everything "in order" can make me feel anxious - though I have to admit, I've started to let things slide. The most important thing to me now is my family and if that means a little dust on the coffee table "until tomorrow," then so be it.
During one of my Type A moments a couple of weeks ago, I decided that I was going to put Kailer in his swing for a moment while I swapped out the laundry. So I sat him in his swing and went into the laundry room. As I was putting the clothes into the dryer, I hear a faint little "plump" from the living room. Knowing that Kailer was in there by himself, I quickly went to see what had happened .... and there on the floor, holding onto the seat of his swing is Mr. Kailer - smiling! I quickly go to him and ask him, "are you okay?" He smiles and cooes ... I take that as a "yes." We've been having 'problems' with Kailer and his swing for awhile now. Even when he is buckled in, he finds a way to monkey himself sideways, so he gets stuck. OR he will sit up in his swing, hold onto the bottom, so his weight is uneven, the swing is barely moving (we're probably lucky we haven't burnt out the motor yet) and then because he doesn't have full trunk control yet, he'll get too far forward and once again get stuck. I tell ya - he's such a boy and it's no wonder he had a bruise on his shin!!

"What Mom, me? No I'm not getting into trouble."
Since putting Kailer in the swing without adult supervision is no longer acceptable, I thought I would put him on the floor of his bedroom on his playmat while I blow-dried my hair. He should be safe there .. and for the most part he was. Kailer is not big into rolling, he can do it (we've seen him) but he doesn't do it frequently. So I figure he's safe on the floor, no sharp objects are near, nothing to fall of off, I'm good for 10 minutes.

This is Kailer on his mat when I first put him down.

This is where I found Kailer 10 minutes later!!
This child has ways of getting around that amaze me. He literally would have had to of "backed" off the mat and then turned and moved toward his closet. Again, he was happy when I found him and not too concerned about the fact that he had moved.
So as our lives continue to evolve with our munchkin, everyday I ask myself, "what's next?"