Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Rough and Tuff!

During Kailer's bath on Monday I noticed that my rough and tough little boy has his first he got it is beyond me, but he has a bruise on his left shin. Lord knows that anything is possible with this kid; he's a mover and a shaker!! I am holding my breath because I know once he starts crawling we're in B-I-G trouble. :)
This weekend Grandpa Perino decided to come up and visit us for a few days. It was great to see him and for Kailer to get to spend some time with him. Dan is now working nights (for the next 6 months) so we had to try our best to be "quiet" during the day when we were home. Not an easy task with a 5 month old, but we managed. We are always trying to teach Kailer new things (signs, body parts, colors, number ... and the list goes on) but I also see Kailer teaching US things. For example, he has taught me that life from the view of the car seat is not acceptable any longer; dang it he's had the same view for 5 months and he's tired of it! This all translates into "Mom I know you're trying to shop or eat a meal at a restaurant, but really you need to get me out of this car seat, pronto!" He's also taught me the value of drool, after all, everything should be covered in Kailer drool in order for it to be acceptable for anyone. I'm actually beginning to think that he's starting to cut teeth, or at least that's what I'm hoping, or we're really going to have a mess when teeth start to come in.

In an attempt to give Kailer some "tummy time" (which, I believe I've mentioned before he despises) Grandpa and I put him on the floor, got on the floor ourselves and taunted him to "scoot" around by putting toys 'just' out of his reach. As you can see (and hear) in the video he wasn't overly thrilled about it, but he did end up scooting across the living room about 2 feet. Then I look at the video and ask myself, "Why am I pushing this issue?" ... he'll be mobile soon enough!

Kailer in his UW outfit - after this football season, he may want to turn it inside out!

Grandpa and Kailer

As always, when family leaves, it was hard for us to say good-bye. With any luck we'll be able to make a trip to Wyoming in the near future.

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