Yesterday morning, after being in a Winter Storm Warning with a "30% chance of snow," we woke up to a foot of snow and cold temperatures!! {Side Note: I often wonder what kind of an education is required to be a meteorologist? Seems that I am just as good at predicting the weather as they are most days.} So we dusted off the snow shovel and Dan got to work on clearing off the driveway. Kailer and I peeked out the window once in awhile and then I decided it was time for our Montana boy to experience snow first hand .... on went the snowsuit and outside went Mom and Kailer. At that point it was still snowing pretty hard and I don't think Kailer quite knew what to think about being out in this cold white stuff that was also quite bright!! Later that day we let him "feel" the snow and put it in his mouth; his reaction was what we expected with a look on his face of "what is this cold stuff?!?"

The look on his face tells me he loves snow just about as much as his mom!

This is suppose to be fun?
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