Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

OMG .... LOL

"Dear Dad: I am sending you a txt w/out mom knowing! Have a gr8 day n b safe @ work. TTYL"

In reality, these pictures represent something my son will be doing LONG before I ever even knew what texting was ... times are changing.

I actually had put the phone in front of him as an "incentive" to crawl/move toward it. He succeeded, so I had to let him play with it for a few minutes! I have to be careful though. One day I gave him my phone, he of course put it immediately in his mouth and needless to say filled the receiver end with baby slobber .... I had to let it dry out before I was able to hear what anyone on the other end was saying!!

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