Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Learning Curve

I can vividly recall days spent in my playroom, by myself, teaching my "students" (imaginary) all the important lessons that I had learned the day before in school. But once I reached an age of choosing a career, being a teacher was not on the list. After all, who in their right mind would want to deal with multiples of children, all of whom are going in a different direction and are on a different learning level. Oh-no, not for me!

Then last night as I was bathing Kailer, the "Aah-ha" light went on above my tiny noggin' and I truly realized the blessing that a teacher must feel when his/her students reach their own "Aah-ha" moment. Everyday I am blessed with the opportunity of watching Kailer learn through experience, touch, taste, sight and smell. And last night was no different. My little man was trying desperately to grab the water as it was coming out of the faucet He never got frustrated or upset, but he was persistent and just kept trying.

It's always so hard for me to wrap my mind around all of the things that we (humans) learn from the very moment we enter this world. We are born with the essential instinct to suck and from the second we take our first breath of air we are exposed to people and experiences that mold our future. Little people are so amazing and it's an absolute joy to watch Kailer learn something new. His little face lights up and I see his "Ahh-ha" moment. How lucky we are to be such an agile species.

I think I can ...

Can I, Mom??

Still trying .....

"Okay, maybe I'll settle for his frog and sea horse, since I KNOW I can hold them!"


  1. Great post.
    I love his bald little head.

  2. Shey, I love this post, it is all so true! I feel blessed just to teach and watch my girls grow and learn new things everyday.
