Poor little Kailer has been fighting a cold since we were in Denver at the end of February. It actually went away for awhile, but Dan got it and now Kailer and I both have it. Yesterday he started a little cough too, which just breaks my heart. We have the Viks on him full-force and a humidifier in his room. If he's not better after tomorrow, we will head into the pediatrician. There have been numerous cases of croup and RSV in this valley and I don't want to drag it out too long if he needs treatment. Thankfully he is still eating (though a little less than usual) and drinking, so that's a good sign.
Today he was my little snuggle bug and for those of you who have been around Kailer, you know that at this stage in his little life he is anything but "snuggly" - he enjoys being busy.
So we will keep you posted.
Here's a goofy little picture of Kailer - he was just finishing up some spaghetti!
I'm thinking he could be the next E-Trade baby?
Of course we might get sued by "Lindsay" if we talk about how Kailer loves milk!
Poor little boy, when they are sick it is the worst!! Carter got to where he didn't mind the nebulizers b/c he knew they were going to help him breathe. We will be keeping Kailer and all of you in our thoughts for a speedy recovery!!