Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


For months now I have been working on transitioning Kailer into a sippy cup - which has proven to be more difficult than I had anticipated. I started out buying the Nuk cups with handles...he wasn't fond of those and I found that the nipple would invert and leak, not good. Next I tried one of the 1st Years cups. Kailer did fairly well with it, but not great. So one night I was reading a Parents magazine and in it sippy cups were rated and one of the top rated ones was the Tommee Tippee cups. The only place in the United States that they can be purchased is Babies R Us, so I got online and ordered two (because they come in sets of 2). Again these worked, but he didn't seem to use it very much.
Well one day last week Dan left his CamelBak on the kitchen counter and Kailer found the mouth piece hanging down and started sucking on it. I didn't think too much about it. Dan and I have CamelBak water bottles with the same mouth piece design as the backpack system and one day Kailer tried to drink out of it. Success! He was able to get water. So while Grandpa was here, we were talking about it and last night after dinner we went to Wholesale Sports and Grandpa bought Kailer his very OWN CamelBak water bottle - lucky kid! :)
He's only had it for 24 hours, but he's definitely been drinking more water out of it than any of his sippy cups! Geez, had I only known, I could have said myself probably $40 in cups. Now the challenge is to get him to drink milk from it. For some reason he fights that more than anything. With time, I suppose.....

Just found daddy's CamelBak.

Trying it out.

Yep, it works well!!

Kailer's very own dinosaur water bottle -
Thanks, Grandpa!


  1. Nice. I call that a parenting WIN!

  2. That is awesome and he has the best dinosaur water bottle ever!
