Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Monday, April 5, 2010

One Year Ago....

One year ago today, I stood in our driveway teary-eyed, 30 weeks pregnant, Mesa by my side and waved to my husband as he pulled away to leave for the Montana Law Enforcement Academy in Helena, MT for 12 weeks. The fears of being alone for the last 10 weeks of my pregnancy mounted as he drove off that day. We were, however, very blessed with the fact that Helena is approximately 1.5 hours away, so when Dan was released from is classes on Friday evenings, he would head home and spend the weekend with me; typically leaving after dinner on Sundays. Watching him leave each week eventually got easier .... UNTIL ... the weekend that Kailer was born. Every weekend had been the same, up until that point. We would have a nice dinner together on Sunday, hang out for a bit and then he'd leave. But on that Monday evening, when Dan left the hospital, well that was by far the hardest - for both of us! There I was with a cherub of a baby in my arms and his daddy had to leave to head back to the academy. I held Kailer extra tight as we walked Dan down the hallway, as far as we were allowed to go, and said our "good-bye's".... as the tears started to flow.

Dan returned on Friday evening and we repeated the good-bye routine for 3 more weeks and at last it was time for us to go to Helena for his graduation. Looking back, I often wonder how single mothers do it for more than a few weeks. Having a baby and taking care of it by yourself is a lot of hard work and it's exhausting!

We are all so very proud of Dan and the person he has become and the career path he has chosen. He continues to amaze me each morning when he comes home and shares the previous night's events - how does he do it, how does he deal with all of the crime, violence and stupidity that exists? Thankfully those 12 weeks gave him the foundation to build upon - this is what he was trained to do!

So in honor of Dan and his career, I thought today I'd share a few photos from his time in the academy. I also ask you to keep our law enforcement officers in your prayers. I think they are easily over-looked, yet they go out day in and day out to serve and protect you and your community. Tell them Thank-you and pray for their safety every day. We love you, Dan!!

My "Special" Husband!
He will probably kill me for posting this picture - but it's nice to know that some fun was had by the men and women of M.L.E.A. Basic Class 138. Maybe this was some sort of training? Not sure! :)Time to hit the books.
Giving a speech at a reception held the night before graduation. I should also mention that Dan was chosen as the Class Representative, which meant that he was the only student to give a speech at graduation.

M.L.E.A. Basic #138.

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