For the past 4 months many people have given me "motherly advice" - things from "put a little cereal in his bottle to help him sleep through the night," to what brand of diapers are "the best" (which by the way, I have yet to find.). But the one piece of advice that I can say I've really taken to heart it also what is heard the most, "Enjoy every second of your time with Kailer, because it will go by so quickly." And right they are - every day speeds by in a blur and now here I am with a baby who's 4 months old, 12 lbs. and a chatter box. He's also a bit of a "Momma's boy" and I've learned to take in every second when he WANTS to be with me ... after all, I know that soon enough he'll be right out there next to his Dad - hunting, fishing and doing all of those "manly activities." I hold hope that he'll always have a soft spot in his heart for his mom and will (at least pretend) like to do some "girlie" type things with me.
During our recent trip to WYO, Kailer was woman-handled, cheek pinched, squeezed and everything else that you can imagine a baby goes through when he's the center of attention at a baby shower. Needless to say, I think by the end he was tired of women!! In addition to having a lot of "quality" time with women who were complete strangers to him, Kailer also spent some quality time with his Aunt Jamie. Now for those of you who may not know, Kailer's Aunt Jamie has a history of being one H-E-L-L of a dancer!! For example, she was on the dance team in high school and approximately 12 years ago she put on a STELLAR performance of the "Crocodile Crawl" at a wedding reception (To protect the innocent the bride and groom's name will be kept anonymous!). I also lived with Jamie for 6 months, while I was doing my clinical rotations for school, and during that time we perfected a coffee table dance - don't ask! ;) Now, where was I going with this --- Oh, yes, Kailer's Aunt Jamie did some "dancing" with Kailer while we were in Newcastle and lucky for her, he remembered the choreography after we made it home and I was able to capture it on video. So enjoy the video and Kailer's "feminine" side of life. If you ask me, he has potential to be the next Patrick Swayze - and trust me, he's got just as cute of a butt!! LOL.
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