Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Einstein Theory (In the "words" of a 3 month old)

Kailer received the "Baby Bach," DVD (Part of the Baby Einstein series) from his Grandma McGinty over the Labor Day weekend. Kailer has watched it a handful of times and he really tunes into it. We're currently looking to purchase more for him. I don't condone t.v. watching for young children, nor should it be used as a "baby-sitter" on a frequent basis, but I have to admit that having just 10 minutes to get things done while Kailer is entertained is a saving grace! Don't be fooled - Dan also used it one day when he was playing Mr. Mom.

Kailer enjoying his DVD and telling me about it!

In addition to the DVD, we also have a Einstein travel CD, a stuffed toy that plays music and a Takealong tunes .... which was MIA for about a week. I had looked everywhere I could possibly imagine for the Takealong toy. I even started losing sleep over the darn thing. Not that it really mattered that the toy was missing, I could replace it for $10, but it was the fact that I was beginning to think my brain was turning into mommy mush. Dan almost had me convinced that I had put it in the diaper bag and one of the kids "must have taken it out at the sitter's." Well, after several sleepless nights (no joke) I had a brilliant idea ... the next morning I went and looked between the couch cushions. Sure enough, I found it -- Yeah!! Thanks goodness, my brain isn't all mommy mush - at least not yet and I've made a mental note to look between the couch cushions more often! ;)

The culprit of several sleepless nights.

1 comment:

  1. He is quite a talker, you might have an Addison on your hands (she does not stop).
    I often see the Baby Einstein movies at Goodwill or second hand stores for a dollar or two.
