Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Great Expectations

As a Mom, I have "great expectations" for Kailer ... after all, everyone wants their child to be successful, happy and better than the average Joe (nothing against the average Joe or the name Joe for that matter! LOL). So as I begin this journey with him I look back and see that we have already put him on a bit of a pedestal and are paving the way for him into what will hopefully be a bright and prosperous future. After all isn't the American Dream to have smart children so that we can live off of them when we're old!!?

Let's start with three months ago when we brought him home from the hospital. Our little man has been read to consistently and at 3-months of age, his mom already has many of the books memorized. Let's face it, even before he was born, I was singing (regardless of how horrific it sounds) and reading to him!!

With little thought or effort, Dan and I have also been teaching Kailer sign language. Thus far we've focused mainly on the alphabet, signs for "Mom, Dad, eat, milk and more." It's interesting to watch him when we sign and as of recently he's started to smile when we use the signs with him. It truly is amazing how quickly these little tykes pick up on things and if all goes "as planned" he should be able to sign back to us beginning around 7 months of age! Wow, what a genius we'll have. :)

Last weekend I went and got him his very own high chair (of course, who else in this house would need a high chair?)!! Saturday he spent a little bit of time in it, but tonight it was full on ... and he "joined us" at the dinner table while we ate ... and of course signed to him. It's so hard to believe that soon enough that brand-new sparkling throne of his will be covered in pureed peas and carrots (and will probably have a dog underneath him cleaning up!).

And last but not least, to help Kailer continue his journey of great expectations, I set up a 529 College Savings plan for him today. I guess it's never too early to start ... but I'm still holding out for my good friend Ed to show up with one of those "big checks" that will help to make the road to college a lot smoother for all of us!! Who knows, maybe he'll decide that one day he wants to be a 'Poke ... like his parents?

So my little man has had a busy 3-months and no matter what he decides to do with his life (well, there are a few restrictions!!) we will be happy for him and support him every step of the way. Life is quite the journey and once you add a child into the mixture the roads take on new names, new meaning and you gain a new respect for your own parents. Everyday we question our parenting skills and we can only pray that we'll provide the knowledge and tools that Kailer will need throughout his life. What a blessing he is to us!!

1 comment:

  1. What great parents you two are. What a lucky boy. The first time he signs back to you it will all be so worth it. I remember the first time Addison signed "more", I remember that moment better than some of her other milestones. I love reading your blog. I was so excited to see you had posted again!
