Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Monday, September 27, 2010


A couple of weeks ago one of my friends posted a question about chores, she asked, "How old should a child be?" "Should he/she get paid or should it be considered being part of the family?" Anyway, it made me start thinking and I figured that now might be a good time to introduce Kailer to a few chores himself. He already does a good job of picking up his toys (most of the time) when asked and since he's always at my hip, I figured he could probably learn to help with a chore or two around the house. Hence, I introduced the idea of having him feed Mesa, the "puppy." Typically I am the one to actually pour the food into the dish, but he carries it through the house to the backyard where Mesa is waiting. I figure it's a good way for him to start to learn to do some "chores" and of course make Mesa happy at the same time (He has been giving her her treats for months now). The other day, he was actually outside with her and feeding her piece by piece, it was pretty comical to watch. Now, if I can just get him used to the idea of using a shovel to pick up dog poo, I'd be in business! :)
For some reason, sometimes he gets "shy" when he gets close to her with the food.
As you can see, the bowl is VERY close to spilling, but somehow he's managed to not spill any of it - Yet!


  1. When you get him to scoop dog poop send him my way because my girls still won't do it!

  2. So cute as always. What a good boy you have.

  3. His smile is just priceless. It is never too early to start kids with chores!! Looks like he's proud of himself.
