Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Not only 1, but 2 ....

....Blankies. I realized about a week ago that I have gone nearly 16 months without mentioning the fact that Mr. Kailer not 1, but 2 favorite "blankies"!! The white one (which isn't nearly as white as it once was), is a "Classic Pooh" blanket that I bought for "the baby" very early on in my pregnancy. Not knowing if the baby was a boy or a girl, I picked up this white blanket as a gender neutral choice. At the time it was very soft, now it's worn and very much "Kailer's." The second one was a shower gift that we received when Kailer was several months old and for whatever reason, out of ALL of the blankets that we received for him, he chose these two.
The blue/brown one is the one that he is allowed to take with him to the sitters, short car rides, etc. He does okay with just one, when we're away from home, but let me tell you, when we are at home, he "NEEDS" both of them. It's really quite comical: every morning when we go to get him out of his crib he'll grab both blankets and then he's ready to start his day. Today, I washed both of them (at the same time, which was brave of me) and as soon as he heard me at the dryer, he was right at my side asking for them.
Those two blankets are definitely his best friends and his ultimate security. Of course, they've also caused some tears - due to the fact that he's constantly dragging them around, on occasion he'll also trip on one of them and bump is head.
As you can see below, he loves to burrow himself in his blanket and play in them. And when he's tired, watch out, because all he wants is his blankies and his bed. I'm afraid to think what will happen when they finally fall apart. Blankies are such an important part of a child's life and I hope he has great memories with them, a I do with mine.
Burrowing in this blanket.

"Oh, there's Kailer!"
*As a disclaimer, we do not let Kailer intentionally play around large pieces of plastic; he just happened to be in the office where we've been painting.

1 comment:

  1. My kids all had favorite blankets too and still do. I've always wondered why they chose those ones and not others. Its one of those mysteries.
