Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration

The one thing we were hoping to accomplish before the snow started to fly, was to finish fencing in our back yard; or if you ask Dan, he'll say that I'm a 'slave driver' and have been working him like an old mule. But either way, "I" wanted it done.
Originally the job was suppose to be done by an acquaintance with Dan's help, but by 2:00 p.m. on the day the project was suppose to start, Dan texted the guy and told him not to bother ... by that point Dan had already gotten 6 of the 12 post holes dug. So much for good hired help. Grrr. The next day I dawned my work clothes and gloves and made an honest effort to help with the remaining hole. I grabbed my shovel and got to diggin'! I kept diggin' right along, say oh about 4" in each hole before I would hit major rock ... which resulted in Dan taking a giant crowbar (There may be a technical name for this tool, but I don't know it), breaking the rocks as best he could, me cleaning out the hole until I hit more rocks, Dan breaking them up ... and well, you catch my drift. Finally at the end of day 2 the holes were dug and we were ready to pour concrete. Now this is where this all gets really fun. We had 12 holes, which were going to require four bags of concrete and each one weighed 60 lbs. : quick math = 2880 lbs. of concrete mix - not fun to move!! But not only did we unload the concrete, put it by the existing fence, haul 4 bags to each hole and then find out we had to use a mixer (instead of mixing in the holes), so back to the driveway went the 2880 lbs. of concrete mix and then the next day when we got the mixer, it had to be moved over by it. That my friends, is why I haven't needed a gym all summer! :) And he thinks I'm a slave driver. LOL!
Needless to say, we FINALLY got the concrete poured into each of the holes and even managed to get Kailer's hand print into one of them (I'm actually surprised it was only one ... but he did well at staying out of the wet concrete while it set). Dan then spent the whole next day putting up the boards and then I stained it all. It was quite the project, but it's done, it looks fabulous and I'm forever grateful to my husband for his hard work spent on his days off.

Fence posts dug (check), Posts into holes (check) and cement mix near holes (check - though they had to be moved)!

Kailer and Mesa hitching a ride while we moved the concrete BACK to the driveway. I love the look on Kailer's face!!

Finished project.

The fire pit area in our backyard -- which we have loved and made lots of s'mores already! BTW, if you haven't tried the giant marhmallows for s'mores, you must try them, they're a hoot to try and eat.


  1. Its absolutely beautiful Shey. You should be proud of all the hard work you put into it. At least now you can say you helped put the fence up. Just in time for the snow to fly. I hope you get a few more weeks of nice weather to enjoy that beautiful yard.

  2. Wow Shey! I know who to call when we need a fence, that looks great. I LOVE the fire pit. We looked at a house the other night and I didn't care much for the house but once I saw the fire pit I almost wanted to buy the house just for that. Can we come hang out sometime, it looks like you own a little (big) piece of paradise.

  3. P.S. Please turn around next time you are taking pictures of the fence and snap a few of your house. Thanks.
