Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

About Us!

My photo
A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Third "Hand"

Apparently when a person is busy crawling, he/she is also in need of a third hand to carry such essentials as toys and binkies. Well, here's the modified (Kailer) version of a third hand! I guess it works!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Snack Time!

Kailer enjoying a rice cracker. Yep, he's feeding himself!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Boxes of Fun!

Who needs toys when you can have a big box?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Waiting For Spring!

We've been braving the frigid temperatures in the afternoons, in hopes of clearing out our cabin-fever lungs, by going for a walk. It has been quite chilly, so we get all bundled up and away we go .... WE ARE SO READY FOR SPRING!!!

There's actually a Ritz cracker inside Kailer's mouth in this one ... a little snack to keep him happy!

Cruisin' in his 3-wheeler (jogging stroller) - what a life!
He looks so warm and comfy!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mr. Charming

Today I was playing with Kailer and Dan asked me, "What are we going to do with him?" And I said, "What do you mean?" He said to me, "He's going to be such a charmer and probably break a few hearts."
To that, as his mother, I completely agree!! But I also didn't have an answer for his question. I'm afraid he's right. This little boy has already stolen the hearts of so many people.... Here are a few pictures I took today of the love of our life!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Nothing New Today.

Sorry to report, that I do not have any new pictures of Kailer for today's blog. Dan had the camera all morning (coyote hunting with a friend) and then when he got home I went to work. Hence there were no new pictures taken. Instead I'll leave you today with the beauty of Montana. Someday in the relatively near future Kailer will join us for hikes in these mountains.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Curiosity ...

Hmm, what else is in this basket 'o toys??

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Little Naked Play Time

These are just a couple of pictures of Kailer enjoying a little "naked time" before getting into his jammies.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Kailer w/Mommy's Valentine's Tulips.

Who could possibly resist those eyes?

"Okay d-o-g, you can give me kisses but only on this hand!"

(His shirt says, "Gimme hugs 'n' kisses.")

Happy 'lil Cupid.

And these ladies are my 'bedroom eyes' ... ha, ha!

Happy Valentine's Day to Everyone! We hope you had a fantastic day with those you love.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


There USED to be a time when I could put Kailer on the livingroom floor with his toys, go to the computer, and watch him play in the livingroom while I worked. Well, now that the little monster has found his "land legs" he's successfully been in every room of the house (minus the laundry/pantry, which he was headed there this a.m. when Dan was taking off his boots, but Daddy scooped him up before he made it all the way.). So today while I was on the computer, here came Kailer, full-boar (he's very fast now!), to see what I was up to. Once he got into the office, he found the USB cable that connects the camera to the computer. Of course he was ever so proud of himself! Sadly enough he'll know more about computers by the age of six than I know now at 29!

The bubble above his head says, "Okay, now I believe that this end goes into the camera..."

"Yep, Mom, I'm right!"

Friday, February 12, 2010

Pump It UP!

Apparently our 8 month old son thinks he's "mini " Arnold Schwarzenegger. Today he was moving around these free weights as if they were as light as a stuffed animal. I told him "you're going to pinch your fingers," and then I pulled him away from the weights. Let's just say he was NOT happy with me after that. I better watch out or he may just beat me up!!

"Okay now that I've moved the 2.5lbs. ones it's time to get these 7.5 lbs. moved!"

"See Mom, I'm not going to pinch my fingers, I'm fine!"

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Pick Me, Pick Me!

It was hard to capture the humor of Kailer holding his right hand up in the air this morning, like he had a pressing question to ask, while holding his bottle! Nonetheless, we thought it was funny.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Caught Red-Footed!

Not only does Kailer love his puppy, he also loves her bed, chew toys and collar! I snapped this picture after coming into the living room and finding him playing with Mesa's kong (the red ball on her bed). There's no stopping this kid when he's determined he's going to get something or go somewhere.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Smackeral of Honey ....

....or just something yummy for dinner!

Monday, February 8, 2010


Kaler's bathtub was sitting out in the hallway because I was getting ready to put it into storage, since he now sits in the 'big boy' bathtub on his own. Well he crawled over to it and started to pick it up, so I decided to just set him in it ... to see what he'd do?!

(If you click on this picture and make it bigger you can see his pearly whites!)

He decided to get as far as possible to the back end of it and .....

..... this was the results. The tub went up on one end like a teeter-totter and he just thought that was pretty cool!

After he re-centered himself, the tub went back on "all four's" and here he is lying in it, foot sticking out of his jammies.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Little Boy Blue

We were able to go out and get some fresh air .... boy, it felt good to be outside.... so this is Kailer ready to head out.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The joy that you give to others is the joy that comes back to you.

"All Glory Comes From Daring to Begin," William Shakespeare.
...And that is exactly what Kailer has decided to do, he is "beginning" to become a little boy. Not only has he cut teeth, learned to crawl, started stringing together vowel sounds ("ba-ba-ba") but now he's decided it's pretty cool to stand up in his crib.
When we "caught" him standing up, I asked him, "What are you doing young man?" This charming smile with a laugh was his only reply!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Adios Mexico ... Hope to Return Sooner Than Later! :)

Heading back to the 'ol U.S.A. - first stop Houston, then Denver to see Uncle Mark-O & Aunt Jamie and finally home. Aaah, what a great trip we had! We hope you enjoyed taking our Mexico journery via pictures.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Last night in Mexico ...

Kailer, Mom and what looks like margarita in the bottle?!

Two very tired parents.

The Maylands!

Wait for it ... here ... it ... comes ....

NOOO, Mom and I do not want to go back to cold Montana!

(Kailer's new facial expression - cracks me up!)

Bathtime Fun in Mexico!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Last Day in Manzanillo

For our last day in Manzanillo, we went to the market to do some shopping, relaxed and then joined the neighbors for an incredible fish fry. It was a great way to cap off our trip to the beach!

Relaxing on the terrace.

Goofy guys.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Kailer Learning To Crawl!

On January 30, Kailer transitioned from a "sitter" to a "crawler." So far he's successfully managed to pull his Einstein DVDs off the t.v. stand, pull a leaf off my plant and chase Mesa across the livingroom (which, by the way, she's not at all thrilled about!). "Yes," we know this is just the beginning!!
Enjoy the video - of a someone who went from being my baby to a little boy.

Doing all the tricky things it takes to grow up, step by step, into an anxious world.

Kailer's 8-month old picture.

Just being a cutie!