Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

About Us!

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

First Bath

The silence of the house by 8:30 p.m. has me in a bit of awe tonight. Maybe it's the fact that Aylah is Baby #2 and this time I'm just more relaxed and she's fielding her behavior from mine or maybe she really is just an "easier" baby than Kailer was at this age? I don't have the answer, but I do know that I'm very lucky to be thier mom. Tonight Kailer helped me give Aylah her first "real" bath (outside of a couple of sponge baths) and he was a great helper. Aylah loved it and was content as could be as we scrubbed her up and washed her hair.

Being a great helper ... looks like he's pretty confident with his little sister.
Just relaxing and enjoying her bath.
Being a big brother is hard work and it's very important to keep one's tools handy at all times! :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Littlest Little

Time for some more Aylah pictures....I'm finding that the camera is usually handy, but when she's awake, she's moving and the pictures tend to come out blurred with her movements. Needless to say, sleeping baby pictures are priceless as well!
There's just something about being sideways in her chair - she ends up that way, well, all of the time.

Catching a siesta on a hot, hot summer day!
Love her little pixy nose.

"Hello!  Here I am awake."

Monday, June 25, 2012

Water Park Fun!

There's not much that's better on a hot day than to play in the water -- okay, well maybe a big ice cream cone, but the water park was what we did last Thursday. This past winter I joined a MOPS (Moms of Preschoolers) group and every other Thursday throughout the summer we're meeting for playdates and this particular day was at the Belgrade water park. I have a feeling we'll be going there a lot this year!!
Kailer and his friend, Natasha.

Having a good time!
Check out this move...

Friday, June 22, 2012

2 weeks!

Well I'm not sure where two weeks have gone - but it's gone by quickly and it's hard for me to believe that two weeks ago we were at the hospital very close to meeting the newest member of our family! Little Aylah has been a very good little girl who really only cries when she's hungry, sometimes when she's a little over-tired and when she's getting her diaper changed. Kailer has taken to being a big brother like a champ and though there are times when it's obvious he's in need of some attention, he's done quite well. I have been fortunate enough to have Dan home for the past 2-weeks, which has really given us a chance to be a family without dealing with his less than desirable schedule. Today is our first day of "being quiet during the day," and now we're all trying to adjust again! I've found that being a parent to two (thus far) really hasn't been too bad of an adjustment. For me, it's been more about time management .... get Kailer fed and dressed before Aylah needs to eat, prepare dinner and eat somewhere before the little one's tummy starts growling, read stories/sing songs with both kids and make everyone happy! We're doing well, with two healthy children and for that we're thankful!
Our beautiful little girl.

Kailer and Aylah sleeping together ... too precious!

Little miss has been a very active baby since the first days of feeling her move in my tummy.  She does a lot of stretching/moving and making little sounds.  You'll also notice that she likes to have her legs curled (I call her my little froggie); which she does a lot - that makes it a bit of a challenge to change a diaper! :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Proud Big Brother

Meeting Aylah for the first time.

Already a great big brother!
Kailer's gift to Aylah

The Loves of Our Life!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Aylah Harper

Our little Aylah Harper arrived on 6-8-12 @ 11:23 a.m., 6 lbs. 11 oz and 20".  She was born without any complications and is doing very well.  Kailer came and met his little sister and did fantastic with her - I have faith that he will be a great big brother.
We are so very blessed to have two, healthy, beautiful children.  We couldn't ask for a better life.
Thank you to everyone who has sent thoughts and prayers our way. 

Monday, June 4, 2012


The past two days have brought lots of outdoor time for Kailer and hopefully some wonderful memories!! Kailer has really enjoyed getting the opportunity to play with Edward and those two have been into everything from sand, water-fights, chalk, mud - you name it and it's been done!! Today it reached the upper 80s and I "bellied-up" (LOL) enough hot air to blow up Kailer's firetruck water toy that he got for his birthday. Unfortunately Edward was not outside when the firetruck was in use, but something tells me it will get used plenty throughout the summer.