Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

About Us!

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Eagle Vision

Yesterday Kailer's G'Ma clued us in to a web-site ( where you can watch a mama Eagle nesting on three eggs, with the possible opporutnity of seeing the babies once they hatch.  So yesterday afternoon, right after Kailer (okay and me too) woke up from his nap, we logged on and checked it out.  Kailer was really into it and kept wanting to watch the Eagle.  Finally when you could tell it was night out, I was able to convince Kailer that we should "let the mommy sleep."  Needless to say, we fired up my laptop first thing this morning and were honored to see the Daddy Eagle (I'm only assuming it was the Dad, I don't know for sure) come swooping into the nest and trade places with the Mommy Eagle.  She took off and we got to see the three eggs that the site reported she had been lying on and then the Dad very gently used his talons to scoot the eggs around so that he could nest on them without harm.  It really was awesome to watch and I feel blessed that we got to witness that exchange of 'care-taking' this morning.  I'd recommend that everyone check it out, it really is cool and fun to watch throughout the day!!

Happy Leap Day!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kaielr Sledding!

Kailer's firs time sledding was not quite the success that we were hoping for - but we made him stick it out for a bit anyway!  We were hardly away from the truck when the sled tipped, ever-so-slightly, and he thought he was going to fall off!  The tears started to roll, but after some convincing on our part, we were able to take a few runs on the sled.  He went with both Dan and I, but then proclaimed, "I'm just done!"  So, Dan and I took a few runs on our own, played with Mesa and headed out.  We're hoping that next time we can make it for a little longer.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012