Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

About Us!

My photo
A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Last week was Kailer's first full week of school.  I decided that this little dude needed to get the V.I.P. treatment on Friday afternoon......
Relaxing after a long, hard week of school!

Fun Run

On Wednesday,  October 1, 2014, Kailer will be participating in his school's Fun Run.  Money earned will help pay for Parent-Teacher Exchange sponsored events and activities, such as movie nights, future fieldtrips and even sports and playground equipment. 
If you would like to donate to the Fun Run, we can accept cash, check or paypal.  Please do not feel obligated and if you need more information, please feel free to contact me.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Homework Helper!

The old verbiage of "The dog ate my homework," had an eerie similarity in our house this week when Aylah decided to do a little coloring ..... on Kailer's homework!!  She was busily coloring away at the table while I was making dinner.  Before she started, I had looked at the sheets of paper that she had and they were both blank, so I figured life was good.  Well, little did I know that somehow she got a hold of Kailer's homework for the week and took the liberty of scribbling pink across the entire thing!  Uh-oh!!  So when Kailer came in from playing I told him what had happened and his response, "Mom, why did you let her do that?!"  I laughed under my breath, because of course I had just LET her color all over his assignment.  I reassured him that it was okay and I would let Mrs. Suit know what had happened.  
That evening I sat down to compose my "Mommy Confession" (as I'm calling it) to Mrs. Suit.  Even though it was a complete accident, and I knew she would understand, I did feel somewhat like a dog with my tail between my legs admitting the mishap.  She was super sweet about the situation and I reassured her that future assignments would be put up out of the reach of little fingers.
So this begs to ask the question, is it legit to say, "My sister destroyed my homework?"

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thirteen!  Thirteen!? 1-3. 13 - The number of days the stomach bug spent passing through our house and being shared so vigilantly by the four of us.  Thankfully we each only had 1-2 severe days, but string that out amongst 4 people (one who can't tell you she needs a garbage can) and then several many more days of just not feeling well, having no appetite, etc. and it's safe to say that we're more than thankful to get rid of that unwanted house guest!  I do believe I've mastered the art of cleaning up body fluids - on clothing, the floor, shoes, gym floors (I don't even want to go there), children and best of all myself (Oye)!  If it weren't for having a sense of humor, I probably would have gone mad several times.

Kailer was the last to fall victim and somehow he managed not to miss any school through the whole ordeal. 
Here comes the Purple Bear (The bus symbol for our neighborhood)

Kailer and a few of our neighborhood kids after school

Miss Aylah and one of her favorite past-times ---- Swinging!

One (of many) of Kailer's worksheets

The day after Aylah got sick we were outside swinging  and let me tell you, not only does this girl love to swing, but she's also quite the little singer!  In this video (if you can hear it) she's talking about puking (I know, so lady-like), her blanket and her love for love!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Baking Fun

It seems that in our house, the best way to eat zucchini is by making it into bread - well, ours is actually zucchini/banana bread and it's a hit!  I've even, finally, managed to find gluten free flower that doesn't make the bread taste awful!

She loves to "cook"

Aylah and her boys

Kailer diligently practicing his writing skills.  He has already excelled so much in just a short period of time.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Labor Day Weekend!

We had high hopes for  Labor Day Weekend .... you know the kind, camping in the warm sunshine, enjoying the company of friends and roasting s'mores under the big Montana star-lit sky.  Well, it was a dream meant to happen - and then we saw the weather forecast, Dan's foot continued to be injured (still working on recovery) and the stomach bug made its way through 3 of the 4 of us (Well, let me re-phrase: Aylah and I had the stomach bug while Dan had the "flu and about died")! So our last "official" weekend of summer certainly was dampened.

We waited out the rain Friday, all day Saturday, went to church on Sunday and finally got a break from the moisture on Sunday afternoon.  It felt good to finally be out enjoying some sunshine - much needed, too, as the kids were starting to get a bit stir-crazy!
Kailer enjoying his bike, but puffy clouds dominating the skies!

Her raindrop shirt certainly was appropriate for the weekend.  She chose those dashing shorts to "match" and folded around her waist is a Batman belt.

Kailer and his (still) favorite stuffed animal, Ziggy, from Great Aunt Barb.
As a side note, Mr. Ziggy has survived several washings, including this past weekend when Aylah got sick on it!

This girl and her PURPLE blanket!!

Beautiful Montana Sky!!

Looking sweet and innocent!

The Wild Child!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Visitor!

I nearly forgot to mention that we had a guest visitor last Thursday morning.  Bruno decided to ride the bus in for a quick 'Hello and Best Wishes" to Kailer on his 1st Day of Kindergarten.  Our little friend left just as quickly as he arrived - he was gone when we returned from taking Kailer to school.

Bruno with his Bronco backpack; which was evidently a F.A.I.L. by Mom - Dan said, "What's up with the Bronco cape?" and Kailer said, "Look he has a Bronco shirt."  I corrected them both .... oye!!