Give Us Fresh Air!

Give Us Fresh Air!
Sacajawea Peak 2016

About Us!

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A humbled wife and mother. Loving life and time with my family - cherish the moments. The days fly by, but the memories are abundant!

Monday, August 29, 2011

"I Ain't Gonna Paint No More!"

"I Ain't Gonna Paint No More," is a book by Karen Beaumont. A dab of blue here, a splash of red there, a goopy smear of green . . . everywhere. To the tune of "It Ain't Gonna Rain No More," one creative kid floods his world with color, painting first the walls, then the ceiling, then HIMSELF! Before this feisty artist is through, he'll have painted his head, back, hands, legs, feet, and . . . Oh no--here comes Mama!

So apparently it seemed like a good idea to Kailer because while he was SUPPOSE to be using the paint to make a picture he .......

After he got himself fully painted, along with the chair, his clothes, etc. I hauled him upstairs for a bath. By the way, THANK GOD for washable children's paint (Thank you Crayola) or I would have had a huge mess on my hands (quite literally).  I got him undressed and into the bathtub (note the paint on the handle in the tub) when he insisted on seeing himself in the mirror.  I couldn't resist the urge to take a video of him blurting, "I'm a man!!"  (not sure where that came from) and then just  being silly while admiring his painted-self.

All clean and oh-so sophisticated!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Daddy's Creation

Kailer asked for a snowmobile ... this is what he got!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Montana Body Boarding!

When you don't live near an ocean - you improvise!


Just thought I'd share a few of the many funny moments I've had lately with Kailer:

* While working on potty training:  I took Kailer to the potty the other day and as we were getting done he insisted on getting a piece of toilet paper. I said to him, "You don't need any more toilet paper."  "Yes, I do!" he stated.  "Why do you need toilet paper?" I asked.  "For the toilet," he simply replied!
  WELL, I guess he was right!!  He proceeded to tear of a piece, throw it in the toilet and flush it away!  I've become convinced that he thinks the toilet needs a piece of toilet paper when he's done.

* Last night I was putting Kailer to bed and while lying with him singing songs my phone rang and it was Dan so I rushed down to get it.  As I'm standing downstairs I hear Kailer hollering my name.  So I head back upstairs after my phone call and lie down next to him again.  He promptly says to me, "Mommy, close your eyes!"  Oh, my bad ... apparently I was the one needing to go to sleep.

* More recently (within the past week), Kailer has gotten into this bad habit of feeling the need to get out of his bed in the middle of the night and come in and crawl in with me.  I repetitively take him back upstairs and put him back in his bed with my new token phrase being, "Kailer it's dark outside, it's time to go to sleep."  So the other morning Kailer marches down to my bed just as it's starting to get light out, he crawls in, stands up, peeks through the blind and exclaims, "Mommy, it's not dark out anymore!!"  Once again,  he was right! Oye.

*As we were driving to school this morning, Kailer was in the back seat saying, "Mommy has to go to work and Daddy has to go to work and I have to go to work."  I asked him, "Why do you have to go to work?"  His reply - "To make money for my piggy bank."

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bucket Head?

It's always interesting, as a parent to wake up each morning and ask yourself, "what will today bring?"  I've definitely learned that each day is different with Kailer and as he continues to grow and mature our relationship evolves even more.  No one ever claimed that parenting was easy and I can definitely vouch for that - but despite the rough times - the hug and kiss at the end of the day as I say good night to my little guy fades all memories of frustration that may have occurred earlier.  I always find it hard to integrate in my heard the concepts of life that he has already grasped into his 2-year old does this little person know and understand so much?!  For example, I picked him up from 'school' the other day and asked him if he took a nap?  His reply was,"Yes. and I as crying (I'm pretty sure he was referring to the tears in his eyes that happened when I left, I don't think he cries throughout the day once I'm gone)."  I asked him, "You were crying?"  He answered, "Yes, because I wanted my mommy."  "But, Kailer," I said, "you quit crying right and then had fun?"  "Yes," he said.  "I missed you today Kailer."  "I missed you too."  Wowzers.... when did my 2 year old turn into a conversationalist?  He also told me the other day, "I'm tired. I need to go to bed, I have to work tomorrow!"  It's the little comments he makes that bring a smile to my face and also take me back to my early college courses when I learned about child language development.  What little sponges children truly are ... give them all the information you can, they'll soak it right up!

Always giving us a good laugh!

Kind of remind me of the tin man from the Wizard of Oz!

Monday, August 8, 2011

90 Degrees & Soaking Wet!!

While I was busy watering tonight after work, Kailer was riding his bike and enjoying some serious fun in the sprinkler!!  Had I not been in my work clothes, I might have just joined him. It was plenty warm enough to be playing in the water this afternoon!!

*It should be noted that Kailer isn't truly that clumsy, he falls down as part of his play routine!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


We're not talking about the Better Business Bureau here, folks!  No, we're talking about Kailer's Big Boy Bed.  After much hesitation (on my part - I wasn't sure I was ready to take my baby out of his crib) we moved Kailer into his Big Boy Room and into his Big Boy Bed!!  He's done great and loves sleeping in there. In fact, if you ask him about the crib, he says, "No that's a baby bed. I'm a big boy!"  I was a little concerned that he might not stay in his bed once he was put in it at night, but he has and doesn't come down until the morning when he's either ready to 1) Eat!! (I'm hungry" he'll say) or 2) "Watch cartoons in mommy's bed!"  It's been bitter sweet to make this transition.  By the way, to just clear any suspicion, we did not move Kailer into his big boy bed because we are going to be needing the crib in the next 9 months .... there, we cleared the air on that one! :)

Peacefully sleeping!

He was starting to look big in his crib - now he's back to looking little in his bed!